Pinterest fail

I’m sure at some point you’ve run across random Pinterest fails on one social media website or another. If not please do us both a favor and Google it, they are an absolute delight! I've tried more than a few recipes from Pinterest with varying results but probably most entertainingly I tried to make my board straight hair "naturally curly".  The post was very clear and concise making it very easy to follow. What could possibly go wrong?

The night before I was to pick up my husband from the airport at the crack of dawn I decided instead of arriving looking like a hot mess, I'd throw my hair up in these easy knots so I could simply take them down and flounce out of the house looking flawless for my baby! Alas, it was not to be.

Mad props to because she did succeed in looking absolutely flawless! I however ended up having to thoroughly soak my hair to get the kinks out and showed up at the airport with a wet ponytail. He's a lucky guy, I know. Needless to say this particular venture is not for me so I return to my regular hot mess self as opposed to the noteworthy hot mess this had me looking like.


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