It's Time for a Political Revolution

We are so incredibly spoiled in this country that we can’t even be bothered to wake up and fight for our rights as they’re slowly begin taken away. We’re so convinced that the government has our best interest in mind and will take care of us that we can’t be bothered to pay attention. This is a classic case of cooking a frog. Put him in a pot of water and slowly turn up the heat until he cooks without ever having fought for his life.
The current system we operate under is incredibly broken, no matter which side of the divide you fall on we can all agree that things cannot continue the way they currently are. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin and neither is on your team. You can tell who someone is really working for by looking at who they produce for and both steadily go belly up to predatory banks, fossil fuel giants and war profiteers. They do not work for us and have not in a very, very long time. Many of you will immediately write this entire argument off because “this is the way things are done” or “this is the way it’s always been done” and that’s the problem. It’s time to flip the script, band together and halt this massive downward spiral before it’s too far gone to stop. The majority of Trump supporters don’t necessarily agree with Trump but they damn sure don’t want Hillary. The majority of Hillary supporters don’t agree with her but will do anything to keep Trump out of the White House. THIS IS THE PROBLEM. Why are we so content to support a system that keeps giving us two evils to choose from? It’s time to rip these weeds up by the roots and toss them in the burn pile. We are running off politics of fear instead of politics for what we actually want.  Voting for the lesser of two evils is what has gotten us to where we are and most of it has been done under a Democratic White House and two Democratic houses of congress. Selective amnesia is the only thing that can make you be terrified of Republicans but comfortable with Democrats. Take recent history in to account and what has happened under this devastating regime of Democrats; massive offshoring of jobs, the Wallstreet bailout, the meltdown of the climate, the expansion of war, drone strikes that claim 90% civilian casualties, the attack on civil liberties, the freaking Patriot Act for God’s sake! Obama himself fought to extend the war the he promised to get us out of but in 8 years has only buried us deeper in it. Democrats repealed regulations on Wall Street that laid the ground work for the meltdown then forced us to bail them out  with nearly 0% interest and NO OVERSIGHT on how they used the money! Trump is a direct result of this foolish behavior, the only reason he has gained the footing he has is because Republicans are fed up with reckless Democratic policies and rightly so! Trump is the product of the “lesser of two evils” mentality and let me tell you it’s only going to get worse.
Don’t buy the hype of resistance is futile and don’t fall into the trap of taking blame for one candidate or the other taking office because you didn’t vote with a particular party. The reason this two party system, that is doomed to crush us all, has been allowed to continue as long as it has is because good ol’ Americans keep falling in line. Over and over again they offer us garbage and over and over again we eat it because we won’t stand together and prop up another party. By continuing to fall in line you are responsible for the continuation of this broken, abusive system.  We need to collectively decide enough is enough and stand up together against them all. I’m talking about a third, fourth, fifth, hell even sixth party! First we need to take the money out of politics. We need to take back the airwaves that are owned by corporate predators who fund hand selected candidates and skew the media in their favor. Elections need to be solely public funded, big money OUT and “we the people” in. Rank choice voting needs to be common place across the nation. If your first choice falls out then your vote is automatically moved to your second choice, some places already do this and it could be passed at the state level in 24 hours if they wanted. It hasn’t been allowed because the current system is nothing more than two entities in power fighting to stay in power. End it. Term limits across every single person in congress and if they can’t come to a solution on policies they don’t get vacation, they get to stay there working day after day (just like regular Americans) until they fix the problem. One person, one vote. State representatives should not be allowed to go against what the majority of their state votes for. Why do we have hundreds of Super Delegates pledging allegiance to Hillary before the other candidates have even declared and before their stances had even been hashed out? Corruption! The Super Delegate system itself is utter garbage and is nothing more than a way to ensure the establishment gets to push their ‘chosen one’ on us.
Democracy needs a moral compass, vision and values; without these you create a vacuum that will inevitably suck us all dry. I don’t live in a world of rainbows and kittens, I’m aware that as long as there are humans there will be greed and corruption but we can mitigate these things with more options for candidates and more power within the people.  It’s time to remind these “public servants” who they work for and the days are gone where revolutions are fought with guns and knives, that’s not how we will win against the current powers that be. That’s akin to a dog barking at a stone wall, the wall doesn’t hear and doesn’t care, you are ineffectual. We have to WAKE UP.
Get involved! CARE! Don’t accept the status quo or “the lesser of two evils”, repudiate propaganda.  Democracy is dying, Oligarchy is killing it and we’re sitting quietly by with blindfolds on as it happens. Everyone and their mother owns a smart phone making information literally at our fingertips. Educate yourselves on how government functions actually work. When you hear a specific bill being introduced or pushed (such as TPP), Google it, learn about it because the biggest atrocities are passed right under our noses. (Seriously educate yourself on TPP, it's terrifying). Don’t continue to allow our government to blindside us. Run for local office and for God sakes vote! Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote your BELIEFS and refuse to fall in line under fear politics. There is strength in numbers, make them hear us! We owe it to our children and grandchildren to fight this battle NOW so they have a future worth having. Our ticket to liberation is absolutely attainable but they won’t spoon feed it to us; we have to reach out take it.


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